Courtesy of by freddie boy

No formula, system or style exists that defines writers. Each writer has to pull from their experience, assessment of their skills and chats with other writers on how to put together a career or for some a vocation. Writing comes under the writer’s control. A writer decides when to write and why. Who buys or publishes the work at least for pay becomes determined by someone else. The Internet has made it possible to publish what one wishes but developing a readership depends on many factors. I find with writing my persistence, insistent intervention, and simple pursuit of a compelling story or the truth makes it all possible.

What is the Big Picture?

For writers, they determine the possible path. You can set goals all day long, but the market changes, what readers like to read or not changes, but the one sure thing comes as high quality writing will always sell or catch someone’s eye. A writer’s real goal in all the chaos of finding work comes as staying true to you and your vision. Maintaining integrity takes daily vigilance. Finding reputable sources protects a writer in the long term even if a writer loses a job or two along the way because someone  somewhere does not like the truth that was written. A writer has to pay bills and put food on the table while honing the craft.


Courtesy of Throes of Creation by Leonid Pasternak

Sage Cohen’s book The Productive Writer has a grand way of grouping what the writing life is about. Four perspectives happen in any given time span: Writing, proposing/pitching, platform development and building/networking. Writing in the early years seems easy. Building a portfolio means most of the time becomes spent creating or trying different venues of creating. Remembering to constantly diversify protects a writer from being under one umbrella or labeled too tightly. A writer learns styles of writing and to try different venues. A writer finds what they love to do, what they like, and what they are willing to do to make a living. As time progresses, they learn what to walk away from. Places and perspectives do change and as long as a writer says their opinion in a professional way they should be able to return if the needs match.


After a piece becomes written, the part about making a living comes into play. Fortunately, the Internet has many companies that make that easier with a  content management systems. The parameters are given up front, a writer creates the article and the article become sold.

In other venues articles, novels, short stories, or poetry becomes created then the task of finding someone to buy it starts. Learning how to write a proposal and make pitches to different venues becomes part of the work. None of which a writer gets paid for. Those venues do pay more but add in the hours of creating pitches and proposals, and the pay does not seem enough at times. What becomes rejected in one place becomes easily sold in another.


To consistently make a living, a writer has to develop readership. Constant publishing in a variety of venues ensures a writer has something out to the public all the time. The temptation comes to narrow down the focus, but that often becomes a mistake. When a company or publication changes the writers often do not get considered. A place that did give a regular pay check disappears, so a new venue has to be found. A much better approach becomes always have five to eight writing paths going that way when one fades a writer simply increases output to another. This becomes especially true with Internet freelancing. Some writers become columnists or regular feature writers that help the bottom line immensely. At this phase of expertise one can begin to do workshops or classes and pass the craft on to others.


In all the writing, proposing, pitching, and platforming a writer has to fuel up. Many have a group who are not necessarily writers but discuss issues of life, current events or love to debate. Others attend reading groups, conferences or literary events. Some participate in the other arts such as music and painting to fill up on different thoughts and perspectives.


Courtesy of

Writer’s imaginations often come grand so the need to be with people sometimes gets left by the wayside if it interferes too much with the work. Crafting a brilliant piece of writing whether fiction or non-fiction becomes pleasurable and satisfying. Positive feedback is better than negative feedback. Having some activities weekly that gets one away from the writing desk helps as long as they do not interfere with making a living or creating. Each writer has to create that personal balance that works for them and lets them have flow, make a living and have relationships. Most all having friends who understand such and help nudge it back into balance and keep a writer positive serves as the best perk of all in the writing life.

Until next time have many grand escapades of thankfulness in this giving season and do at least one wild and crazy thing. Then tell the tale so some writer can take the story make it their own and make some Christmas money.

